All Eyes On Him

It was another Meet the Teacher night at my kids’ high school.  How many of these had I been to over the years?  That August night as I drove to the school, the low fuel light came on in my minivan.  No God.  Payday is tomorrow.  I need to have enough gas to get to tomorrow! I committed to staying on this budget and there’s no more money in the ‘gas envelope’.  Immediately the lyrics from Toby Mac’s song Lose My Soul came to mind - ‘All eyes are on You Lord, all eyes are on You’. I silently prayed these words informing the Lord I was believing Him for His promise in Malachi 3:10.

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.

By the grace of God, we had been faithful in our tithes and offerings and God had always provided. never letting us down. 


I parked, headed into the crowded school foyer, collecting all information shoved in my hands by students at their assigned posts.  As usual, the school was bustling with parents scurrying about trying to follow their child’s truncated class schedule.  The bell rang and the halls became the equivalent of trying to swim against a school of fish.  I took refuge with my back against one wall waiting for the crowd to subside.  “There you are!” I heard a voice to my right.  I looked over to see a mom I hadn’t seen since the previous spring - and haven’t seen since.  Pulling a wrinkled envelope out of her oversized purse she exclaimed, “I’ve had this since last spring and have been meaning to give it to you.  It’s a refund from last years prom money that we didn’t end up needing”.  I must have appeared dumbstruck.  In shock, I stammered, “Uh, oh thanks,” and off she went to her next “class”.  Not remembering my donation from last spring, I slowly opened the well-worn envelope to reveal $25.  Definitely enough to get gas until tomorrow’s payday. 

While this is just one small example, the Lord has proved Himself faithful time and time again in our lives.  He loves for us to believe His Word, rely on Him, and wait in hopeful expectation for Him to come through, just like a child eagerly anticipating opening gifts from their parents.  When I think of this occasion, I have to smile.  Not only did God come through on His promise, He did it in such a way leaving me feeling special, beloved, and delighted in because He’s just that kind of Father.


Picked First


A Harmonious Marriage